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We believe bringing culture to your home shouldn't break the bank, so shipping is always FREE within the continental US! If you're unsure whether your location qualifies for free shipping, shoot us an email at info@traditions-delivered.com or submit a contact form here.
We guarantee that any item damaged in transit will be replaced by Traditions-Delivered within 10 days.
If you're not satisfied with your Traditions-Delivered box, you can return it for a full refund if the box and its contents are returned completely intact and undamaged. Return shipping not included.
All prices for Traditions-Delivered boxes are multiples of 18. In Hebrew, each letter has a numerical value. The number 10 is the letter Yud. The number 8 is the letter Het. Het-Yud spells the word Chai (×—×™), usually pronounced like the English word “hi” or “high,” which is a word and symbol that means “life.” In fact, a common Jewish toast “L’Chaim!,” which means, “To Life!” is often said at celebrations in anticipation of all the good things to come.
At weddings, bar mitzvahs, and when making honorary donations, Jews often give gifts of money in multiples of 18, symbolically giving the recipient the gift of “life” or luck. Read more about Chai and the number 18 at the Milwaukee JCC's website.